खोज परिणाम
इस विकि पर "WhyNotToBeTheBest" नाम का पृष्ठ बनाएँ! खोज परिणाम भी देखें।
- सर्वदा ॥ ४॥ Learning, of all things, (the wise) declare to be without a superior (the best of them all ), because of its incapability of being...७०७ KB (६५,५९६ शब्द) - ११:१५, १९ जून २०२४
- shall not be. The phrase is used to describe an unparalleled event or person. For example, a Mahatma like Gandhi has not been, shall not be. *49. न...८३ KB (६,८१४ शब्द) - २३:२४, १५ सितम्बर २०२१